Gallery Four - Small Moments
A Collision of Interesting Ideas
These paintings are small visual moments in the world of magical thinking. They carry a sweet, brief flow of emotion, or longing, or insight, or poetical vision - small meditations. There is a certain mild, nameless spirituality to them.
All of the paintings in this gallery are 5” W x 7” H, acrylic on high grade 140 lb. Strathmore paper. Painted in 2022.
Click/tap on an image below to enlarge it.
When the Early Morning Forgot Its Colour
And Then She Walked into Thin Air.
Red Flowers in the Snow
To My Childhood, With Love
Small, Lovely Painting Refusing to be Titled
Eternal Bloom
Moonlight Waking the Woods
For Those We Left Behind
That Perfect Musical Note
Just Before the Red Angel Appears
Brief Glimpse of Two Hatching Emotions
Perfect Peace
Imaginary Day
The Rapture of the Blue Flower
Daybreak Pauses a Moment
Two Rorschachs in Love
I'm Not Moving Until My Soulmate Appears
Winter Branches Dreaming of Spring
That Intrim World Between the Visible and the Invisible
A New Quietness Settles
The Night Sky in Colours
Tenderly, Love Me Tenderly
Thoughts Gently Rising Away
Infant Clouds
Five Notes From the Adagio of Mahler's 4th Symphony
Snow Disguising the Frozen Pond
Nature Goddess in Yellow Dress
Blue Bird Holding its Own Against the Blizzard
No Thanks, I'll Stay Right Here
Two Ideas Enlivening Her Imagination
I Forgot the Words
Imperfect Silence
My Dreams in Disorderly Piles
She Loves Her Illusions
If Clouds Had Colours
Indignant Fall Leaves, Refusing to Fall
Close Your Eyes, I'll Find You
My Rorschachs Ignoring Me
Sunlight Lingers, Time Slows Down
So Beautifully We Align Our Stars
She Loved Me to Death
Dreaming of My Old Lover, Whose Face I Can't Remember
Amid the Chaos, the Soul is Peaceful
The Birth of New Souls