Gallery Five - 2023
That Time I Saw the Red Angel
Tonight is Tuesday, November 28, 2023. I have just finished adding the latest of what is now over one hundred new paintings to Gallery Five, my acceptable work for 2023, to this page. After my heart attack in February, I wasn’t feeling particularly creative for most of the year. Four weeks ago, wham! Everything shifted, and the inspiration flowed in like a flash flood. I am satisfied with my production now. I pushed myself into new visual and emotional ideas. Feeling it, taking chances, making it up as I go. Which is my way as a self-taught artist. I am pleased with my artistic growth. It was a good year. I’m grateful … to still be alive (courtesy of two stents in my heart) … to still love beauty, imagination, and creative expression … and to be entering passionately my third year as an artist (of abstract visual poetry.)
All of the paintings in this gallery are 5” W x 7” H, acrylic on high grade Strathmore cardstock, and come mounted on a white cardboard mat.
Click/tap on an image below to enlarge it.