Gallery Seven - 9 x 12in. & 11 x 15in. - 2024

The Language of Visual Sound

…So far in 2024…

9 x 12in., 11 x 15in., and larger pieces.

Finally, I rose a little higher out of my comfort zone from my original 5 x 7in. paintings, mostly gentle artworks - or shall I say extended my comfort zone - and began larger pieces. These are all 9 x 11in. or larger. (Still small for most artists but “gigantic” for me.) Took some time to understand how to fill space comfortably in larger spatial dimensions. I also, with more space to fill, seem to be flowing into more complex subconscious abstractions. Relying equally on intention as spontaneity. I am happy with many of the paintings on this page.

Click/tap on an image below to enlarge it.